

Amazon Healthy India Quiz Answers – Let’s Fight Against COVID-19

amazon.in Healthy India Quiz Answers – Let’s Fight Against COVID-19

All Answers Added Amazon Healthy India Quiz – Test your Knowledge

Amazon Healthy Quiz, Amazon Healthy India Quiz Answers, Amazon Healthy India Quiz Answers Today, Amazon Knowledge Test Quiz Answer – Amazon has recently published their new quiz contest “Amazon Healthy India Quiz”. We are once again added correct answers here. all you have to answering the given questions and test your knowledge to fight against COVID-19 (CoronaVirus).

Purpose of this Amazon Healthy Quiz

  • This quiz is designed to help you understand protective measures you can take against the 2019 Novel Coronavirus.
  • The quiz consists of 6 questions. Try answering all questions correctly.
  • The quiz is not a contest, and is designed for informational purposes only.

Amazon Healthy India Quiz Answers Test your Knowledge

Q1. What is the recommended minimum time duration you should wash your hands for to prevent spread of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus?
Answer – 20 Seconds
Q2. To prevent COVID-19, it is safest to avoid physical contact when greeting. Which of the below popular gestures is NOT a safe greeting?
Answer – Handshake
Q3. The WHO recommends you should maintain at least _____ distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing. Fill in the blanks.
Answer – 1 meter (3 feet)
Q4. Which of these is NOT a common symptom of COVID-19?
Answer – Rash
5. What is the recommended duration for self-quarantine for monitoring COVID-19 symptoms, in case you have had any contact with an infected person?
Answer – 14 Days
Q6. The novel coronavirus spreads from person to person through _____, and transmitted mainly when an infected person coughs/sneezes. Fill in the blanks.
Answer – Respiratory droplets (droplets from the nose/mouth)

● About Healthy India Quiz:-

This Healthy India Quiz is brought and made available to you by Amazon Seller Services Private Limited (ASSPL). The quiz is for informational purposes only, and designed to help you understand protective measures against the 2019 Novel Coronavirus. Quiz questions are based on advisory from the advisory from the World Health Organization and the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, GOI.

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